Scopemeter Fluke



 Scopemeter portátil

Todos Scopes

ScopeMeter® Série VX190Medical

Equipamento | Características | Especificações | Acessórios| Manual


For instruments that have the MS190 Software Extension installed, the full specification for the Fluke ScopeMeter VX190 Series applies, with the additions as specified below.

Oscilloscope Mode

Display and acquisition

Channels displayed: input A, input B, dual channel

Display modes: smart averaging, normal averaging, selectable persistence, invert, replay

Smart averaging displays averaged curve; incidental waveforms that differ too much from the average curve are displayed but do not contribute to the averaged curve

Averaging factor: selectable: 2x, 4x, 8x, 64x or off

Selectable persistance decay time: short, medium, infinite or off; can be used with dots only display or with dot join mode

Trigger and delay - Video Triggering

Interlaced video: NTSC, PAL, PALplus, SECAM. Selects field 1, field 2, lines or on user selected line from a frame

Non-interlaced video: for line counts up to 2800 lines per frame and and video scan rates up to 65 kHz; triggers on fields, on lines or on user-selected line

Cursor measurements

Dual vertical lines: time between cursors, voltage between markers, 1/T (in Hz), mVs, mAs


Horizontal zoom: Up to 8x

Vertical zoom: using position control (offset) and vertical sensitivity

Offset range

Max. offset for viewing positive-going signals: 16 divisions for input sensitivity settings 5Ö50 mV/div (50Ö500 mV/div. when using 10:1 probe or TA190-50R); 8 divisions for all other vertical sensitivity settings

Max. offset for viewing negative-going signals: 8 divisions for all vertical sensitivity settings

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 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais Fone: (31) 3427-7700 Fax: (31) 3427-7792 e-mail: vortex@vortex.com.br